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Hive Minds Dream AlikeComposed by AK-Poem by Moonchile
00:00 / 01:16
Hive Minds Dream Alike
Hive Minds Dream Alike is a visual poem in collaboration with writer and poet Moonchile. The piece tells the story of humanity's relationship with technology and the inextricable links between mind, body and machine.
in a realm between worlds
new forms convene
a tale of two cities
~ the mortal and the machine
two minds the same
spirit weaving through an astral plane
mind in body - sentence divine
beginning and end dimensions and time
one is all and all is one
return to source when its said and done
this mortal form of sinews and flesh
is merely a spaceship at its best
behind the veil the cogs turn
reveal the lesson we once learned
all is one and one is all
one is all and all is one
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